Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Craving of "I"

The craving of “I” is what traps one to the bondage of the desire of “I” mindset and as long as this mindset is in place, there will be struggles in life because these selfish cravings will always need to be fulfilled.
Craving arises, there’s no getting around this, but it’s not the craving itself that causes issue, being controlled by it unconsciously is what makes craving an issue. To follow through on all our cravings isn’t really useful, but this isn’t to say there’s anything wrong with cravings, it’s really deciphering which ones are useful and which ones actually cause harm to you and others. The craving for sex is something that’s basically in our DNA, but to be controlled by the craving for sex to the point where it becomes the focal point of your existence, is where issues arises. Just take sex and substitute it with something else and see how the craving holds you in captivity. As long as one craves unconsciously, they have to be followed. This bondage to cravings is the foundation of the Conditioned Mind.
Looking back I can see how the attachment to cravings is what allowed them to control me and why they were at the core of every issue I had in my life. I still have cravings today, but for the most part they’re there to fulfill a higher calling than “I”. The desire of “I” is the root of suffering and this is because it entraps one to the bondage of self; existence doesn’t produce much harmony in a desire of “I” mindset. Knowing any of this doesn’t make life “I” free, but it does lead one in a direction that is much more conducive to love which in turns makes craving more about what’s better for humanity as a whole instead of fulfilling the craving of an “I” mindset.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Direction of Energy

The direction of energy that one embraces determines a direct link to what energy is put out, and love will be put out when it is simply learned to keep your head where your feet are…
Eleven years ago the direction of my life was much different than it is today. Prior to eleven years ago for reasons unbeknownst to me, my direction was very self-centered and didn’t provide much benefit for me or anyone else. Although I certainly embraced this direction just because I didn’t know any better, it caused me and those around me much suffering. This is what an unconscious self-centered direction does, there’s really no way around this. This seems to be the direction of the masses and when followed blindly as it certainly seems to be, much suffering ensues. The more self-centered a person is the more suffering there is when it comes to anything associated with them. This is the basic energy of unconsciousness, and although many fluctuate in this energy pattern just because of the natural inclination to love, some fluctuate very little because of deeply engrained self-centeredness conditioned mind patterns. This was me.

Fast forward to today and the energy in place is much different and as a result of this different direction my life reactions are different. No longer is there the consumption of me, but not because it’s about you, there’s just much more quietness in place and that is the direction that has afforded me much benefit. Because of this directional energy shift there is an obligation to simply share it so others may see its value. I know nothing really when it comes to the Universe, but I do know how it was for me and how it is today. This shift is not a credit to anything I’ve done so I simply point how a different direction from being self-centered to keeping my head when my feet are has changed my view of life…

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Two Versions of Life

When one’s thoughts are used as the primary means to live by, this is a very limited version of life, but when the mind settles, a second version is provided with limitless content.

When thoughts are used primarily as a means to live by, this leaves only one way to view life and because thoughts are so restricted and limiting, it’s makes for much suffering. We think by thinking, studying, and reading books we’ll become all knowing and be able to master life, but the only thing this provides is arrogance, smugness and a state of unconsciousness. When one constantly has a need to read someone else’s book, one is limited to only learn what the content of that book is. What if what’s written in the book isn’t totally correct or only has partial facts about a subject, that will be what one learns. People get a college degree because the content of books are memorized, and the thoughts taken from these books are used to create experts by the worlds standards. This method produces a very limited view of life, with the limit being whatever one’s thoughts are from the content of the books that are read.

Humans have wars against each other, we fight with each other and most of this happens because of the nonsense of our thinking. Everyone thinks they’re right which arises from what is heard or what a books says, and all this does is fill one’s head with noise. This noise is the only version of life that one will ever see unless the mind becomes quiet enough to allow a second (thoughtless) version to be seen.

What happens when the mind settles is it allows for two versions of life to be seen, one version is the made up stories of one’s conditioned thoughts, and the other is the version of just doing whatever it is that’s in front of you because it’s what’s there. Both versions are from the same mind, but only one will be used when the mind settles. When this settling occurs and the version is seen of a second view, the limitations provided by the world view of thought will fall away. It will be at this point that you will go beyond the limited view of your thoughts and see the limitless view of just doing what’s in front of you, without the need to think about it.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Bondage of Reaching

Reaching itself is the issue, not the thing being reached for. Not everything reached for is truly beneficial. It will take a very settled mind to see the subtle bondage in the things one thinks are beneficial.

Doing what’s beneficial for your well being needs to be investigated to see if what you’re doing is truly a benefit and not just a story of what you think is beneficial. Many people play the lottery to become rich so to become rich becomes your beneficial energy…so you think. Sex is often viewed as beneficial, as is the spiritual path. Drugs, alcohol, gambling, and their programs are seen as beneficial, but as the results of these energies may be different, the bondage they keep you in is the same. Working out and healthy eating habits are very beneficial, but many attach a story to them and negate their benefits. I know many people are vegans and I have no opinion either way, but no where have I ever read that Jesus or the Buddha seen this as a benefit to their practice. All I’m saying is what I’ve found to be truly beneficial needs no story nor attachment to attain a certain result.

People see ayahuasca as a benefit, but this is reaching for something similar to reaching for drugs and alcohol to achieve a result. I can only share my experience and I’ve found reaching for anything in whatever form is not a benefit because the reaching itself is the issue, not the thing being reached for. To me, in the space of just being with what arises in the present moment is the only thing I’ve experienced to be truly beneficial. Not everything you think that’s healthy and supportive are truly a benefit to enhance your life. It will take a very settled mind to see the subtle bondage in the things that are reached for. My experience has been if you are reaching for something regardless of what it is, it’s not beneficial and this is because the reaching itself is the issue and that’s what keeps you in bondage.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Viewing Life Differently

A different more beneficial view of life will only occur if the current view is seen as not being beneficial. Even with a different view life won’t change all the much on the outside, but inwardly everything will change.

If there is to be change in one’s life, it has to be seen that a different view is needed to allow one’s behavior to be more beneficial than what’s in place now. Understand it’s not changing the things that occur that’s needed, it’s only the view of what’s occurring that requires it to be different; that’s when change occurs. This isn’t about substituting positive for negative, or labeling right for wrong, if this is done it just becomes another story from the same old view. This is change from the intellect and it doesn’t provide a different view. A different view occurs when one remains in a state of stillness regardless of what happens, seeing things from here allows change to take place. Of course this is easier said than done and if it doesn’t happen, true change will never occur, only surface change will because whatever view is in place won’t allow change to take place.

The mind always wants to make the current view into a story and attach to it. A different view is what happened to me, I now live each moment from that view which is much more beneficial than living life from the view of a conditioned story. Having a different view has changed me inwardly which in turn means everything has changed or at least the way that it’s viewed has.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

True Peace

The peace that most seek is always contingent on something from the outside, if this or that happens then there will be peace, but true peace is from within and doesn't need anything to be.

Thinking about being at peace isn't the same as allowing peace to arise just because that's what's there. This seems to be difficult to grasp and it's because one can't think their way to true peace. Stories can be made up that makes it seem as though there is peace, but it never last. The peace most seek is contingent on something, if this or that happens then there will be peace, but this is another lie of the Conditioned Mind, and there are many. All kinds of examples can be used, if I win the Super Bowl pool, job promotions, snow day off from school, children getting A's in school, new car, you can add your own peace provider to the list. The point is, this list is endless and whatever it is that one attains I guarantee you the peace it brings for that moment will not last. 

The peace I mentioned in the beginning of the article which arises because it's what's there, is not contingent on anything, therefore it is true peace; it’s the peace that passes all understanding. I experience this peace for most of the day, I don't make it happen, but I am aware of my thinking which is a direct hinderance to true peace and this is because you can't think your way to peace. You can only think your way to a surface peace which is contingent on something from outside yourself. The key to true peace is not needing right now different. I know this is difficult especially when things don't go your way, but the alternative is to want things different and keep searching for a peace that will probably remain elusive until life in your current form ends.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Hearing the Music

It's the dance of love that allows one to hear the music of life, for without love all one would hear is noise. Be the instrument that the spirit blows its breath through, and be an instrument where all one hears is the music of love.

It's true that we all have our own journey and when the base of it is derived from love, there's unity. The only reason some don't hear the music is because of the distractions that keeps one entrapped to a mind that's been conditioned to only hear noise. Take the time to do what can be done so the mind settles and the music of love will be heard. Not so noticeable at first, but as the mind becomes more settled the music will get more pronounced. It is possible for everyone to hear the music, but unfortunately not many will get quiet enough for this to occur. 

The Universe is the maestro and love plays the music, we are but the instruments. When it's learned to do things that puts one in harmony with life, the default setting of one's mind will be based in love; the music will be heard and it’s beauty emanates through us. If one's mind isn't based in love, what's heard from the instrument will be music that's out of tune because it's from a self-centered perspective; only noise will emanate out. So be the instrument that the spirit blows its beautiful breath through and be an instrument where all one hears is the music of love.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Selfish Desired Stories

The Conditioned Mind is a story teller and all its stories eventually end. However most of these are unconsciously created to fit into the main story of fulfilling some selfish desire and that story never ends…

The stories the mind conjures up need to be investigated so one can tell if they’re real or not and by real I mean beneficial to one’s life. So many people make up a story to satisfy a selfish desire without looking if those stories are producing results that are beneficial. Many stories benefit only oneself and it doesn’t go much further than that. Even if you’re running around saving the world, who says the world needs saving and also is the helping others done more so to satisfy some selfish desire? It’s very difficult to get in touch with real stories that arise from the space of stillness as opposed to the ones that are made up to satisfy some selfish desire.

Most of the stories we create are strictly to satisfy selfish desires. Very few people are truly selfless, not because they don’t want to be, but by not understanding the dynamics of the Conditioned Mind there’s no way one can be. Every life is a story, it’s just part of existence, but there are ways to see if your stories are beneficial. One way would be to not create a story, this way one wouldn’t be needed. Another is to understand energy is not created or destroyed, it’s only transformed. Although this form that’s being occupied one day will not function any longer in its current state, its energy goes on, and if you want to see if this story is beneficial, sit and be still and you will see no story is real so one’s selfish desires will never be satisfied…

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Developing Love

As we go through the process of life, we develop in the way that the conditioning in place allows. If our conditioning and hence our development was based in love things would be much different.

Some things we learn come naturally, but everything takes some kind of practice. If you’re learning how to catch a baseball, at first it’s probably awkward with no knowledge as to the best way to do it, but the more you do it the more natural it becomes. This is the same thing if what you’re learning is based in love. Part of the problem (delusion) is when what’s developed isn’t based in love because unfortunately that tends to become natural; this is why it’s so hard to change. I knew what was right (loving) and what was wrong (selfish) growing up. Doing what was loving was not how I developed so being selfish came natural to me and there wasn’t anybody who could tell me different because that’s all I knew.

To say the least, this selfish development caused much suffering because with this conditioning in place, there wasn’t any room for much else to be seen. This is the delusion most people are unknowingly living by and it’s a direct result of why humanity is the way it is. If we all grew up with our development based in loved, humanity would be much different, it’s really that simple. I know this because eleven years ago I began developing a different base (one of love) and every so slowly my behavior became loving. It doesn’t mean it’s always this way, but just as it is with learning to catch a baseball it takes practice, and in my case it’s done so the loving behavior becomes as natural as the earlier development of being selfish was.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Naturally Beneficial

Many believe they choose what they do, but the reality is there really isn’t a choice in what you do because one can only do what the conditioned view in place dictates, at least until this is seen…

I know people don’t like to hear this, but there really aren’t choices in life. It may seem as though there are, but the conditioning in place dictates what one’s actions will be. From murder to loving kindness and all the other actions in between, the conditioning controls the actions at least until this is seen. It’s as if one is a puppet on a string with the Conditioned Mind being the master puppeteer. For forty nine years I was controlled by my Conditioned Mind without any awareness whatsoever there was a more beneficial way to view life. Today with awareness of this my actions are naturally much more beneficial. Although it seems I now have choices, the shift that occurred in me which resulted in a different view made my actions beneficial, but it’s still not a choice. A different view allowed me to see the lies of my actions so I now naturally do things that are much more beneficial.

For years alcohol was one of the conditioned tools I used as a coping mechanism, and although I thought this was beneficial and a choice, there was no choice here. Today it’s not this way because alcohol is no longer seen as being beneficial. If I had a view that saw using alcohol as a benefit, I would use it. One can only do what they’re conditioned to do and the only way this will be different is if the view becomes different. This is the different view of truly doing what’s beneficial in your life. Many believe they have choices, but this belief creates an inner conflict. The reality is, there is no choice because one will only behave as the conditioned view dictates and good, bad, or indifferent it’s simply done because that’s what’s in place…

Friday, July 20, 2018

Aware of the Moment

The more one is simply aware of the moment, the less reaction there will be to that moment. This doesn't mean every moment will be as wanted, but what does happen is what arises doesn’t trigger a blind reaction.

Life will occur whether you are aware of what arises in the moment or not. What awareness affords a person is the possibility of not being controlled by what arises and thus reacting in a more beneficial way. What arise arises, there's not much that can be done in that regard, but how you react is something that can be controlled, but only if you are aware of the moment. Next time you get and itch don’t blindly scratch it, just watch what happens. This is a simple discipline that can be used for being more aware of the moment. It’s not easy to not give in to the desire to scratch as soon as an itch arises, but if something isn’t done to develop discipline, you will probably never be aware of what arises in the moment; hence your puppet strings will never be cut.  Years ago my reactions were in total control. I wouldn't have allowed anyone to do half of the things I did to myself, but I didn't know any better. Without the awareness of what arises in the moment the reactions would be adhered to as the conditioned mind puppeteer dictates. 

As long as you are alive life will be life and what arises arises, but with awareness of the moment the distracted reactions aren’t as prevalent, this has opened up so many more possibilities in my life, and what's truly beautiful about is the self sabotage reactions are becoming less and less (no need to scratch). Being aware of the way one reacts to what happens is where life arises from. When one is stuck in an unaware view, you are limited only to that view. The more you’re aware of the moment, the less distracted you are by your puppet on a string reactions. Like I said this doesn't mean everything will be perfect or go the way you think it should be, but the imperfections (only because you are labeling the arisen moment as so) won't distract you from cutting your conditioned mind puppet strings.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Inward Magnificence

It's the selfish view of satisfying “I” that keeps one from the vision of seeing their own magnificence. This vision of magnificence only occurs when one's vision comes from looking inward.

Although no one is more special than another in this existence, there are some who do see things differently than most. What makes this happen is looking inward. I wouldn't label some as chosen, but I would say some are more inclined to not attach to a selfish view which allows for a clearer vision than if you are in the grip of a mind based me, me, me, view. The two existences I’ve experienced are vastly different, one was in the direction (outward) where there was much self created suffering, the other the one I'm living now is a view in the direction (inward) of non attachment. The differences in the two views is one created suffering and was done in unconscious ignorance and the one today is lived in awareness of the ignorance. Today my view is as it is because the selfish distractions don't control me as much as they once did; there is still conditioning, I'm just not as controlled by it.

The vision of your own magnificence that occurs is a by product of awareness and as the selfish view is let go of, it opens up space to allow wisdom and insight to occur. This opening is directly linked to the letting go of “I”. It's the “I” that attaches and it's the cause of all suffering. Ever so slowing when one begins to look inward the distractions of “I” fall away. To me this is what was revealed to the great mystic's that people considered special, but all they did was look inward. This looking inward is available to everyone, but one will have to overcome the selfish view that keeps you distracted from the vision of your own magnificence and it will only be seen when you begin to look inward.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Present Moment Awareness

A contented life begins and ends right now. You can be aware that you're thinking about the past or future, but you will never actually be there, and as long you’re thinking about it contentment will elude you.

When awareness of the present is in place, it allows what’s actually happening to be experienced. Being aware of Now as opposed to being pulled in by it or pushing it away and applying a label to what's happening is what will dictate the amount of contentment there is in your life. Life is magical in its essence, but there's nothing  magical about being aware of this. A contented life begins and ends in the present moment and being aware of this provides what’s necessary to allow it.

Take a step, be aware, take another, be aware, this is an anchor as is the breath to the present. One can not be aware of the present in the past or future. You can be aware that you're thinking about something in the past or future, but you can never actually be there. Every step you take or breath can only be taken as it’s happening right now. The more there is awareness of this, the more anchored one becomes of the body being in the present moment as opposed to grasping for the story of what's going on between your ears. Be aware of the present as you read this and watch what arises. Just be with it, no pulling or pushing, just be aware of the reactions. It’s in this space of awareness that you will find contentment and this is because the present moment is the only place that exist.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Everything Changes

Regardless of what happens in life it will not stay the same, but it’s not because things change that causes the mind to become agitated, the agitation arises because the change isn’t wanted.

Everything changes, it’s the nature of the way things are and although intellectually this is known by most people, it’s not brought into daily living. This becomes a major dilemma in a person’s life because things are taken to be more permanent than they actually are and with this outlook when something changes, the mind becomes agitated and suffering ensues. This doesn’t occur because of the change, it occurs because the change isn’t wanted nor accepted.

Wanting things to remain the same is probably the greatest delusion used by the Conditioned Mind and the irony of this is, it’s impossible for life to remain the same so what the Conditioned Mind wants will never be. The nature of life is change so to be at peace with life one must be at peace with change. If you’re not, your mind will be in a constant state of agitation, and if that’s all that’s known, so be it.

There are so many scenarios that entrap a person to the delusional state of wanting things to remain the same. It requires a very settled mind to see the agitations arise when something changes that’s not wanted. This doesn’t mean change has to be embraced or liked, it really just has to be seen for what it is and accepted, but understand even if the thing that changes isn’t accepted, it doesn’t really mean all that much in the grand scheme of things because in life nothing stays the same.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Labels and Roles

Labels and roles are all part of one’s conditioning, with the stage being set for life to be played out. Although one is always on the stage, in silence the labels and roles aren’t needed.

Most of the things that one reaches for throughout life are used just roles as if one is on stage, and life is as if it is a role being played out with one taking on whatever that assigned label may be at the time. Each person studies their lines and plays out the role in whatever way their conditioning has been developed for it to be label and played out. There are many many labels used in playing out the conditioned role.

These labels are the things one reaches for to make their part in the play more interesting. Who would go see a play where everyone was sitting around in silence? So it would seem there is needed drama for life to be more interesting, but this is the fallacy the Conditioned Mind creates.
Only in silence can life be lived to the fullest label and role free. Without the roles and labels, one is present on the stage of life, but not controlled by the rehearsed conditioning. It’s this conditioning that makes one need a role along with many many labels, but in silence, with the stage set in the present moment, one doesn’t have to take on a role or use any of the labels in the puppet show of a conditioned life.

Friday, July 13, 2018

False Comfort of Faith

Life will always be as it is regardless of what one’s story of faith is. Mostly faith is used to provide false comfort which isn’t really needed if one would just live life as it reveals itself.

Faith is but a word, there are many interpretation of it, here is one; a strong belief in something (a story). The way I used faith in the past was I thought it meant things should be the way that I wanted them to be. It’s not a big surprise that this kind of faith caused me many problems. I only had faith in the material world which meant I had to use things in order to feel comfort, which meant I had to rely on outside things to get what I thought I needed to provide a false comfort.

It’s not this way today, but not because there is a belief or faith in something. Today the lie of faith has been exposed and truth of what is here right now is where my faith lies. Truth of what is doesn’t need a story of faith that everything is going to be okay, it means it’s going to be the way that it is and that is simply that. There’s no longer the need for a story of something from the outside to take care of my life; life is simply lived as it happens. Through the practice of being present, there’s a knowing that life will work out in life’s way, not mine. This is a faith that truly works because there’s no attached story. I have stopped using faith as a story of getting something or believing someone is going to take care of my life. Life is life, it takes care of itself. I am just one part of it and regardless of what happens, it simply is life as it is not as I think it should be. This is the acceptance of being with the reality of what is. One doesn’t need faith to live life because it will always be how it is regardless of what the Conditioned Mind wants to use to make you think life should be different. Life is always about what’s here right now and to say you have faith in something out there only changes what is to the false comfort of what isn’t.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

A Limited Conditioned View

If you only see through the view of the conditioning in place, a new view will not be allowed, this prevents the mind from expanding beyond its own created conditioned limits.

It will take much investigation to see beyond one’s conditioned view because the conditioning itself is what keeps your view narrow and limited. If this isn’t understood it won’t be seen and if it’s not seen, there’s no way to go beyond your own created limits. Faith, hope, and forgiveness are always topics that stir up the mind and cause controversy because their concepts have been so deeply embedded into the subconscious. One becomes conditioned by these concepts and until your own mind is understood, going beyond not only these conditioned concepts, but any concept for that matter will be virtually impossible.

There is so much being held onto without really looking into if it’s truly beneficial to your life. If you have a thought, a concept, or belief is held onto, I guarantee you it’s not beneficial. You may say how can I say that, I don’t know you, but I don’t have to know you directly because I know me, and as long as I know me, I know you. I may not know what specific conditioning has you in its grip, but it doesn’t matter because the nature of all conditioning is the same and that’s what needs to be understood. Life is never anything but what happens in front of you and although things may not always be the way that they’re wanted, until the limited conditioned view is seen and let go of, a new unlimited view will not be allowed.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Led by Love

There’s no suffering in the space of love because there’s no attachment so being aware of your “I” attachment and not holding onto it allows love to be the force that leads your life.

The struggle one has with life is strictly mind based and it’s because there’s no structure to the mind. Being led by the mind is equivalent to building a house on sand and we all know what happens when the first storm comes. Often mind based information is held onto which keeps you entrapped to the mind. I know how deeply engrained the conditioning is and I know sometimes I may come on strong, but it’s only because what is seen simply can’t be ignore it.

There are basically two forces that lead the direction of the mind. One is suffering, the other is love (non suffering) and these forces manifest in many way. The core of suffering is attachment to “I” (selfishness). This force leads as greed, envy, anger, pride, desire, doubt, restlessness, regret and so on. You can see how these will cause suffering, so if this is the direction that leads your mind, you will suffer. The other force is love, which leads as kindness, generosity, compassion, empathy, understanding, stillness, and so on. I’m sure you can see how these don’t cause suffering. Make no mistake though, one will still encounter the possibility of suffering even with being led by love because of how engrained the conditioning is, but if attachment to “I” isn’t in place the suffering force won’t be in place. To me the key is being aware of one’s “I” attachment and not holding onto it. Without it the force that leads the direction of your life will be from love and there’s no suffering in this space because love simply has no attachment.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Associated Attachment

Pleasing thoughts, not so pleasing thoughts, the attached association to either one allows the start button of emotions to be pushed which will last until the associated label is let go of.

We all like our pleasing thoughts and we like to associate them with who we are, but what of those thoughts that aren’t so pleasing, we don’t like them and we definitely don’t want them associated with who we are, but to me they’re no different than the pleasing thoughts. All thoughts are energy in its purest form, how that energy transforms is the result of the association to them. They affect our life differently; it depends on how deep the association is. If you want to associate yourself with the pleasing thoughts, you have to associate yourself with the not so pleasing ones also. What would happen if neither were associated with, where would that leave you? Sit with that for a while.

In the place of non attachment there are no associated labels as pleasing, right, wrong, good, bad, like, dislike, anger, calm, happy, sad, etc, etc, etc, there is only the eternal peace of non judgment of each precious moment as it occurs. Association to labels are what controls the way one gets pulled around by their emotions. Thoughts will always be there, but without associating a label they just don’t have the energy to control. It’s strictly the attached association that gives a thought the energy that makes life an emotional ride; no one but you is responsible for starting this ride. If you don’t want to be on an emotional ride for the rest of your life, you will need to understand you are not associated with your pleasing thoughts, nor are you associated with the not so pleasing thoughts, if you get this you just may learn how not to push the start button that starts your emotional ride.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Usefully Aware

Be with what arises, no pulling or pushing, just awareness of what’s happening. It is in the space of awareness that you’ll be usefully aware and this is because this space is the only place that truly exists.

When a practice that allows awareness is in place the present moment is experienced. Being aware of what’s actually happening as opposed to being pulled around by it or pushing it away is what will dictate how useful one’s life is. Life is magical in its essence, but there’s nothing magical in becoming aware of this. All roads that lead to a useful life begin and end in the present moment and awareness is the key.

Take a step and be aware of it, now take another and be aware, this is an anchor to the present. One can only be aware of an idea that you’re thinking about something in the past or future, but you can never actually be there. Every step or breath can only be taken as it is happening. The more one becomes aware of this, the more anchored one becomes in actually being in the present moment as opposed to grasping for straws in the story of what’s going on between your ears. Be aware of reading this and then be aware of what arises, just be with it no pulling or pushing, just awareness of what’s happening. It is in the space of awareness that you’ll be usefully aware and this is because this space is the only place that truly exists.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Wanting Things Different

The Conditioned Mind is unstable because there’s nothing solid for it to base itself in. There’s very little peace in a life that’s based in the mind because its energy constantly wants things different.

The me the key to experiencing some peace in your life lies in not wanting things different. An arisen agitation is directly linked to wanting things different and this is true regardless of what it is. It may not be seen exactly as wanting something different, but when a label is applied to something, this is wanting it different. If someone says or writes something or if a circumstance arises and you apply a don’t like label to it, you just created an agitation within yourself. What was said, written, or what happened didn’t do it, the applied label did. It’s the same when you apply like to something, this is because you are allowing something from the outside to control your mind state. The mind is very unstable because it has no solid base to it so there’s never peace in a life that’s based in the mind because its energy constantly wants things different.

A mind that wants things different is very erratic, its energy is all over the place. It’s the reason there’s very little peace in the world. Always wanting things different keeps the individual from being of peace, which then emanates as the energy that’s put out. Multiple this by billions of agitated people who want things different and you have the world as it is. The key to peace lies in not wanting things different, this is the only way there will ever be peace in one’s life and in the world. The instant something is wanted different an agitation arises as the energy in place is being controlled by a mind that doesn’t understand the key to peace, and this is true regardless of what’s going on.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

A Reflected Shift

What occurs when one awakens is there’s a shift that opens the heart, this allows the truth that has always been there to be revealed so where there was once blindness one now sees.

People think there’s a change when something new is revealed, but the essence of what’s truly happening is there’s a discovery (a shift) to see what has always been there. It’s not really a change that occurs, it’s a shift from delusional thinking to an understanding of the true nature of life; starting with your own mind. You cannot shift if you don’t know yourself and you cannot know yourself if you don’t understand the Conditioned Mind. The reason why it’s so difficult to shift is because the mind will not settle down. It tells you everything is okay, that you do enough to get by in life, and as long as it’s pleasurable it will tell not to look within because you are okay as you are.

Truly looking at yourself is not pleasurable, especially when it’s first started, that’s why many are hesitant to do it. It’s much easier and pleasurable to have an out there view and do what is familiar, but there are only benefits when honest self reflection is done. A step into the unfamiliar will need to be taken so you can get to know yourself.

The mind defaults naturally to what’s familiar because it’s what’s out there, but honest self reflection allows for truth to be revealed, this is the way one shifts and truth becomes what is familiar. When truth is what’s revealed, what happens is the veil of ignorance is removed and where you were once blind you now see, but it’s not a change it’s a shift, and it allows truth to be revealed as you finally see what has always been there.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Beneificial Possibilities

The more awareness one has of the arising moment, the more beneficial life seems to be. This doesn’t mean everything will go the way that it’s wanted, but what happens is the beneficial possibilities aren’t limited.

Life occurs whether there’s awareness of what’s happening or not. What awareness allows is the possibility of a different reaction to what arises and thus the chance of a more beneficial response and outcome. It’s pretty much a given that what arises arises, there’s not much that can be done in that regard, but how it affects you has many possibilities. Years ago there weren’t many possibilities to my reactions, they were all based in a very limiting non beneficial perspective; it was just the way I was conditioned. I wouldn’t have allowed anyone to do half of the things I did to myself, but yet because I didn’t know any better, the self sabotage reactions were what was normal to me. Without the awareness of the conditioning that’s in place, it wouldn’t be possible to respond in any other way but the way I was conditioned.

Although today life is simply life and what arises arises, with unawareness not being as prevalent as it once was, it has opened up so many more beneficial possibilities in my life, and what’s truly beautiful about this is the self sabotage behavior is becoming less and less; on its own. Being aware of the way one reacts to what happens is where beneficial possibilities arise from. When one is stuck in one view, you are limited to only that view and the benefits of reaching your full potential are iffy at best. The more one is aware of what happens in an arisen moment, the more beneficial life seems to be, but as stated before, it doesn’t mean everything will go the way you think it should, you just won’t limit your possibilities.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Tools of Peace

Tools that provide peace will be needed if there is to be peace in your life. The Conditioned Mind will constantly try to make problems, but with the proper tools in place they won’t take hold.

When the squirrel cage mind has you in its grip, it will continue its assault on your place of peace if you don’t have a tool in place that will assist in returning you to your place of peace. If there’s s no tool to return to your place of peace, the assault will continue as long as this conditioning is in place. There will be moments it seems as though there’s peace, but only because one doesn’t truly understand the magnitude of the assault the Conditioned Mind has over their life, peace will be very fleeting at best.

Two basic tools that can be used to allow for a return to peace are some kind of mantra that stops the squirrel cage mind in its tracks and developing discipline that will allow the mind to settle. For me the key is to understand why I’m not at peace and find out the cause of the mind agitation that took me from peace. It could be a number of things depending on ones conditioning, but the fact that one isn’t at peace is the main concern.

Asking why is so important because it allows for the possibility to get answers. If why isn’t asked and one does something to distract from the agitation it will subside, but without the understanding of why it occurred it will return again and again until one puts a stop to it. Develop the necessary tools that allows for the stopping to occur and experience life like never before because these tools cut the leash of the Conditioned Mind that has been basically in control since your existence began.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

High Vibration Creativity

When there’s not the constant need or pull for self satisfying pleasures, the mind settles and the Universe works with whatever talents are within you for its betterment…

Let go of the stubbornness that causes you to suffer; it arises as greed, hate, and delusion and it’s because of the low vibration of stubbornness that one suffers. Holding onto sense pleasures is of a lower vibration. The core of holding onto stubbornness is the belief that the more one satisfies their sense pleasures, the happier they will be. Satisfying these pleasures are not an issue until this low vibration takes hold, it is then that problems arise. Remove the mask of stubbornness and what you will be left goes beyond anything you can imagine. The bondage of wanting pleasure is not only sought by just about everyone, it has been in place for eons. Forget about going beyond it, it’s no small feat just becoming aware of this, but when there is awareness of the low vibration of pleasure seeking, the results are miraculous. There’s no telling what one may experience when pleasure seeking takes a back seat. Your creative energy will go in a direction not previously known because the pleasure seeking that’s been blocking a higher vibration falls away.

When there’s not the constant pull for pleasure, the mind settles and the Universe works with whatever talent is in you for its betterment. There may be a musician, a painter, a gardener or botanist, or even a writer inside you, who knows a book may even come out of it. I guarantee you this, whatever it is that’s comes from your creative energy, it will be from a higher vibration based in love because that’s just the way the Universe rolls. At least that’s been my experience.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Not Liking Label

Life is as difficult as a not liking label makes it and until one learns to be with what happens without applying a like or dislike label to it, what happens will continue its puppet on string control.

If you don’t particularly like something that’s happening in your life, not liking it comes from you and this is regardless of what it is. You may say there are exceptions to this, but feeding what’s happening with a not liking label, keeps you entrapped to what you have been conditioned not to like. Read this carefully, a not liking label keeps you entrapped to the energy of what you label as don’t like. I’m not saying to go around and ignore the things that occur, but understand the label that’s applied to what happens comes from within you. Many people state their opinions on what I write and that’s okay, but what’s not understood is I only write what’s within me and one can only respond with what’s in them. Neither are right or wrong, to me though it’s important to recognize the truth beneath whatever it is that arises. Regardless of how someone responds to me or what happens in life, to see what arises from within is all that matters.

Liking what’s occurring is the same energy as not liking what’s occurring. It seems different because of how the mind always wants what’s liked as opposed to what’s not liked, but it’s the same labeled energy, it’s just given a different title. Years ago a so called friend ended our relationship because he didn’t understand his not liking energy about me writing a book which really had nothing to do with me. This is how it is with all of life. Even though things will affect you to a degree, giving it a not liking label magnifies the intensity of its energy and how much it affects you. Life is as difficult as the not liking label makes it and until one learns to be with what happens without applying a conditioned label, what happens will continue its control as if you were a puppet on a string, with the stings being whatever label is applied.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Bottled Up Energy

When there’s a need to reach for something because of a mind agitation, one is trapped in bottled up energy, and until this is seen, one will remain trapped to the energy of the next thing reached for.

You will never find the peace you’re seeking if you’re trapped in the bottled up energy of finding peace. Peace is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way our minds are conditioned, we get trapped in the bottled up energy that peace is something outside of us. Unfortunately this makes the very thing we are seeking impossible to grasp. This bottled up energy is the reason one is constantly reaching for something from the outside and until this is seen, one will remain trapped to the energy that peace is in the next thing reached for. Alcohol, tobacco, gambling, drugs, sex, social status, tats, programs, therapy, self help books and on and on, this energy is proof that one is trapped. I can’t stress this enough as this bottled up energy has to be seen if one is to experience true peace in their life.

It’s impossible for your thinking to help you find peace. To experience peace there has to be an understanding of why you’re not at peace; that there isn’t peace is only because of the bottled up energy in place. When the need to reach for something arises, the bottled up energy engulfs you. This energy creates a vicious cycle that’s very difficult to break free from. Peace isn’t something attained or achieved so it’s in doing less that peace arises. To many people get lost in the energy of trying to find peace, but since it’s something that’s already within you, the energy about finding peace needs to be transformed so you can see. This is not easy to see, but it’s why I write. Understand though, I don’t write to help anyone find peace, I write so the bottled up energy can be seen for what it is; the cause of why there isn’t peace.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Doing Nothing

Doing nothing is difficult because of how the mind has been conditioned to reach for something when it becomes agitated. Until you can just be with life as it is, there will always be something that you will have to do.

Doing nothing is the hardest thing I’ve experienced in my awakening. The Buddha was accused of being lazy by some, but those who did the accusing didn’t understand how hard it is to do nothing or they wouldn’t have said that. For many years as long as I was busy the mind seemed to not cause me too many problems, except for the occasional flare up. It wasn’t until there wasn’t much to do that I learned just how much my mind controlled me, but not before it caused me to go to the depths of despair. It is here that I rose up by looking inward at what was really going on. Although this occurred eleven years ago, over the last three months much more on this has been revealed to me as I set out to get my diabetes under control. This revealed the mindless reaching that was still in place to satisfy selfish mind agitations of having to reach for something to satisfy me. I’m learning more and more have devious the Conditioned Mind truly is and until there’s the ability to do absolutely nothing this will not be revealed.

I’ve lost over 20lbs just by stopping the mindless reaching of food (mostly carbs) and adding cardio to my workout. I went from 212lbs to 190lbs and am now off diabetes medication. The nature of what was revealed to me is how much selfishness was still in place. What most people miss about having to always be doing something is it arises from selfish energy. Most people just blame others to justify what they do so they don’t have to look at this. Devious is the Conditioned Mind as it will cause its own destruction by attaching to energy based in greed, hate, and delusion and this will be unknown to the one occupying their human form until the mind settles. Unless this is thoroughly investigated it simply will not be seen as the distractions of having to do something will remain in place. Doing nothing will be just about impossible as will truly understanding my writings, the Buddha, or anyone else who points inward, and until you can just be with life as it is, there will always be something that you will have to do.